Shopify Auto-Response (paid feature, beta)
  • 14 Oct 2022
  • 1 Minute to read
  • Contributors
  • Dark

Shopify Auto-Response (paid feature, beta)

  • Dark

Article summary

With Shopify Auto-Response, you can create responses with Shopify order info through Zendesk triggers or Zendesk automations.

This article will guide you through the setup process.

If you haven't installed the Shopify Macros app, please follow App install and setup instructions.

  1. Login through the Shopify Macros app on the side bar. If you have logged in previously, click the gear icon in the app.

  2. Go to Zendesk settings > triggers. You can follow this guide to learn more about Zendesk triggers. Alternatively, go to Zendesk settings > automations. You can follow this guide to learn more about Zendesk automations.

  3. Create or modify your existing trigger/automation. In the action section, choose Notify target and Shopify macros.

  4. In the body section, fill in the following text.

    {<br style="box-sizing: inherit;">  "ticketId": "{{}}",<br style="box-sizing: inherit;">  "requester": {<br style="box-sizing: inherit;">    "email": "{{}}"<br style="box-sizing: inherit;">  },<br style="box-sizing: inherit;">  "macroText": "YOUR_RESPONSE_HERE"<br style="box-sizing: inherit;">}
  5. Replace YOUR_RESPONSE_HERE with your response template. You can use any existing Zendesk placeholders. You can also use any Shopify placeholders available inSupported Shopify placeholders.
    You will need to escape your response (this tool makes it really simple).

You are all set! From now on, when the trigger/automation is activated, responses will be sent to your customers automatically. In this example, the following response will be sent automatically on your behalf:

Shopify auto-response is a paid feature currently in beta.

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