App install and setup instructions
  • 14 Oct 2022
  • 1 Minute to read
  • Contributors
  • Dark

App install and setup instructions

  • Dark

Article summary

1. Install the Zendesk app. You'll need to hit the "Install" button as shown here:

2. Type "key" in the API_KEY field, and click install:

3. Go to any Zendesk ticket page and click "Authenticate and login" button in Zendesk app:

4. Follow the prompt and authenticate Zendesk

5. Follow the prompt to sign up and login to Sidr: 

6. Install the Shopify App. You'll need to hit the "App app" button as shown here:

7. Then head to any Zendesk ticket and you will see the Shopify Macros app on the right hand side!

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